Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Merry Christmas

This year I will not post a lot more because I want to have time to enjoy the Christmas-time. :)

I wish you all a "Merry Christmas!".
Enjoy the time with your families and friends!!

Lovely Hugs!!

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011


I'm so happy that finally it's weekend!! This week was so full of stress that I'm glad to relax now a little bit. :)
My boyfriend and I are going to our Christmas market, which is famous here in Germany. All the little houses, lights, punch and Christmas songs and so one.
Last year we found there a big and when I say big I really mean big, wooden spoon. We just bought it. But it is more for fun because this spoon is over a meter long and so not really good to handle. Maybe today we will also find some nice things for us. Who knows? :)

I wish you all a great weekend.

Funny hugs,

And please don't forget the voting. Thanks! 

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

holiday photos :)

Today I was a little bit dreaming about my last holidays. I was at Majorca at I love this flair on the beaches and the Spanish people. These 10 day were about a lot of fun and a lot of relaxing and seeing the nature.
I just miss the warm days now and the sun. :)

One day we just took a few pictures and I though about posting them or not. So after a while I said 'Yes, let's do it.' to myself and here they are. Of course I had a lot more of them but I am not sure if this is the right place to post it. But let's see what you will say.

Lovely Hugs!!

PS: I just added a voting because I really don't know what you're thinking. And it would be very interesting to know! If you have a minute please take a look at it. Thanks a lot!!

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011

stressful time

Hi Guys,

I'm so sorry, that I didn't post a lot the last time. I have a lot of stress here. Studying, learning, family meetings, christmas preparations and so on...
My schedule is filled up, and I also received some discipline spankings because of my chaotic life. Since then it goes a little bit better but I must improve my schedule. Because at this time I had no time for mie and relaxing and that's shit.

Wish me luck that I could improve my time management. :)
