Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011


Hey together! 
I just wanted to ask you for help. It's that I don't know whether you like my posting or not. Or what I could improve. I would be really really happy about some comments. :-) 
Thanks alot! 

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011


I just found this photo:

It's cold outside but it will be never cold around a butt ;)

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011


Did I already say that university here just started?
From now on I've to learn and learn and bring good marks at home. The thing is that my own claim is very high and I am a perfectionist. That makes it even harder.

But on the other hand I've also moments were I don't want to learn and were everything doesn't matter. In this cases I am glad to have my boyfriend. Okay, sure. THIS I say NOW but how will it look when I didn't learn and bear the consequences? I think I will be rude and say that he is not right. BUT now (!) I know that he wants the best for me and this I will also know after a spanking.

But wish me luck that I will stay out of university trouble. :)

I am really happy to have my boyfriend at my side

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

my bottom

that's me :)

one of my favorite blogs

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spanking for being rude to my boyfriend

Today I will write in english a little bit. I don't speak perfekt english, so please excuse my errors. :-)

Yesterday evening was a kind of confusing for me. You need to know that I'm a person who don't like to give up control and sometimes my feelings just overwhelme me. This evening I was totally out of control and confused. Because of all my stress of the last days and weeks, I was overwhelmed. I was angry, rude and resistant to my boyfriend and he warned my several times to stop this. But I could not.
After his third warning he said that he had enough and that I have to learn to keep my feelings under control and that I can not attack friends who only wants to help me. 

He was serious and I understood that I had crossed a line. He took me over his knees and give me hard otk-spanking. At first with his hands and than with the hairbrush. Certainly on the bare bottom. 
It hurt a lot and I felt sorry for what I did. 

Sometimes it is really good to have someone who cares about you and who pays attention on you. He helps me so often to cope with my feelings and who always is there when I need him. He always is there to keep me in line and to lend me a hand in every situation.  He is the best thing that happend to me the last time. 

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

hallo zusammen

Warum heißt der Blog "life and spanking"?
Das ist ganz einfach zu erklären:
1. "life": Ich habe ein neues Leben begonnen und werde nun in einer anderen Stadt studieren und habe seit kurzem eine doch sehr ernste Beziehung. :)
2. "spanking": Ich bin leidenschaftliche Spankerin, aber der passive Part. Mein Freund und ich habe haben uns über eine Anzeige kennen gelernt und es hat auf Anhieb gepasst. Er ist auch der erste mit dem ich Spanking real auslebe und ich kann euch sagen, dass es eine Menge Spaß macht. ;)

Wenn ihr Lust habt, könnt ihr mich sehr gerne begleiten auf meinem Weg. Ich werde versuchen euch so viel wie möglich zuschreiben und euch mitzuteilen wie alles läuft.
Achja und damit alle etwas von dem Spaß haben, werde ich auch immer mal auf englisch posten.

Ich wünsche euch und mir viel Spaß mit diesem Blog!

Eure krista